Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Melt my Heart to Stone

Each and everytime I turn around to leave
I feel my heart begin to burst and bleed.
So desperately I try to link it with my head
but instead i fall back to my knees. . .
You would be impressed to know the many things you can run into that make you think about the most random things.
Today, after class I sat by the pond and tried to look interested in the book I was reading when I looked up and couldn’t help but notice a good looking couple (and I mean gorgeous couple) sitting in front of me. They were having quite an interesting argument (their gestures and hand movements gave it all away) Right away I made my own assumptions and started thinking of the many things he could have done to her. I blame my bias on too many of the “you-broke-my-heart-I’m-crying” songs since girls sing most of the ones I’ve heard. The girl did not look bothered, or sad, or mad. She was neutral. Her face was like a blank piece of paper. Big guy looked worried and his facial expressions were slowly fading, until pretty eyes spoke and he showed signs of hope - it was like a game of give and take. My head ran 1,000 miles an hour wondering what really happened - I didn’t want to go from a weird-girl-staring-too-much to stalker in a second just because I was curious                                     
So this song (the title ^) was the one that I thought about, and on my way to the shuttle stop I thought of the many possibilities. I don’t think he did anything to her, I don’t think it was a matter of who is guilty. I think it was one of the “I give everything and get nothing” situations. If this was the case, I don’t blame pretty eyes for not “feeling enough” the same way I wouldn’t blame big guy for "feeling too much" or being the only one in love.                                                                                                                                        

We all take turns, sometimes we are pretty eyes, and sometimes we are the big guy and we switch back and forth. It is never karma the one that makes any of the heartbreaks happen it just wasn’t your turn to be pretty eyes, you were destined to be the "only one in love" that time. Finding which one you are is like detective work, maybe you'll find someone whose turn is to be the one in love at the same time as you or maybe you will both be pretty eyes, in which case both are not in love but for some reason still together. . . hmmmm now i got me thinking :p

As you tear your way right through me
I forgive you once again.
Without me knowing, you've burnt my heart to stone.
I hear your words that I made up, 
I say your name like there could be an us.
I best tidy up my head, I'm the only one in love

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